Welcome to Fitness Travel Food!

Namaste Humans! My name is Neha Kaithwas from India.
A Biotechnologist turned Blogger.
Freelancer- Search Engine Marketing(SEO) Keyword Research & Content Writing
Certified Diet Coach
Also, an aspiring Indian Forest officer(IFoS).

Who is passionate about Fitness, Travel & Food with the purpose of promoting Sustainable Travel, which is a matter of utmost importance in the era of Climate Change, plastic pollution, deforestation, etc.

Rationally, getting fit and strong and consuming nutritious food are necessary if you enjoy hiking, camping, or want to travel the world.
We must maintain a healthy diet and get fit if we intend to travel more. Consequently, preparing for the travel experience.
Healthy Food + Fit You = More Travel!

Well, I’m not a professional. I’m simply a normal person like you, keen to discover and pick up new skills. I’ll share my knowledge and experiences here to the best of my ability.

Stay Fit,
Eat Healthy Food,
Energize Yourself For The Exciting Travel(Sustainable) Journey With Us!

There are multiple reasons why I began my Blogging Journey:-

  1. As a responsible Homo sapiens, concerned about things like deforestation, plastic pollution, and climate change.

2. Traveling has altered my entire outlook on life. There’s a lot to learn from the wonders of nature itself.

3. To give Health and Fitness a high priority.

4. To connect with the world. To share with the world, what has changed my perspective on life, mottos, and what our world needs the most.

I sincerely hope that these blogs are useful to you, and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Neha Kaithwas

Neha Kaithwas- FTF Founder